Mr. Balakrishna Pillai is a retired engineer

Dr. Usha Pillai is the co-founder and director of IDEA

Dr. Usha Vergheese

Late Smt. Krupavati Iyer

Sushama Apte

Mr. Unmesh Krishnan

Late Shri. Dattatraya Waghmare
The Governing Council or IDEA Board is the Apex policy making body of IDEA. Being an active social organization, our members are used to donning multiple roles and support the ultimate motive of societal welfare. Apart from taking policy level decisions, each member has also taken up the responsibility of certain major focus areas in order to ensure smooth administration and operations for the initiatives undertaken by IDEA.

Mr. Balakrishna Pillai is a retired engineer

Dr. Usha Pillai is the co-founder and director of IDEA

Mr. Ashok Budhkar is a financial consultant by profession.

Dr. Vijay Kulkarni is a professor at a Social Work college

Mr. Sachin Gokhale is a Chartered Accountant

Mr. Ajay Talreja is an IT expert

Ms. Sujata Kelkar comes from a commerce background

Ms. Sangeetha Menon has a degree in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations

Ms. Shilpa Khangaonkar is a legal expert

Ms. Dr. Shraddha Nigavekar, Member, PhD in Botany and a Story teller.

Dr. Usha Pillai

Mrinal Badawe

Ravikiran Patil

Arun Kamble

Manjusha Pandit

Rajesh Paikrao
IDEA Hands