TABLET – A Children’s canvas to experience and imagination

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Though school enrolment rate has improved over the years, quality education for underprivileged children is still a dream. Many times lacklustre teaching means children lose their interest in going to school and poverty at home leaves parents unmotivated to encourage their children. Children are our future and to give them a solid foundation it is important to provide them safe learning spaces. Without initiatives like our community study centres, these children would just loiter around and may even drop out of school.

For high school and graduation level children, the problems are manifold – expensive stationary/ school fee and lack of guidance demotivates them while there is also an added pressure to stop education and began earning or helping at home. Sadly most of these are girls therefore in our sponsorship programme, more preference is given to girls.

For illiterate or school dropout women from underprivileged background, life is tough, relegated to homely chores and mounting financial troubles compound their problems. Our community based skill development courses give them a second chance at skilling and employability. Provide them a platform to showcase their talent which increases their confidence in themselves. 90% of our skill development and EDP beneficiaries are women.

IDEA programmes are designed to fulfil its mission of creating equal opportunities for all by facilitating different levels of education (school, higher and skill development), bridging the rich-poor gap by reducing inequalities, promoting gender equality and by creating sustainable multi-stakeholder partnerships.

Our programmes for children have brought remarkable improvement in learning levels of children and have many are today on par with their privileged peers whereas skill development courses have provided self-employment opportunities for thousands of women over the years, impacting not just their lives but also of their families in a positive way.


 IDEA is against any kind of marginalization and believes that no one should be denied access to quality education and opportunities to enhance their lives hence IDEA tries its best to make special arrangements for slow learners on par with other students their age. IDEA believes in having an integrated community development approach hence its study centres and skill development courses are all community based and accessible to all.